Gone Wiki

In Gone, Sam Temple attempted to rescue a small girl from a fire early on in the book.On the first day of the FAYZ, Sam Temple, along with Astrid, Edilio and Quinn, come across a group of people gathered around a burning apartment. Sam took over the situation. When a little girl's voice was heard crying 'Mommy', Astrid urged Sam to go and save her.

When Sam went in with only a wet cloth covering his mouth, he was overcome with the smoke. He carried on, until he saw the little girl. The little girl is described as black, by the soot from the fire and by race, no more than five, and with chubby hands and pigtails held in with pink scrunchies. When the little girl saw him coming, she shot liquid fire at him. When she aimed at him, Sam fired back, before lifting her and hauling her out of a window. He followed suit. The girl was dead. Astrid guessed that it was a stove or a cigarette that caused the fire, but Sam thought to himself that it was the little girl's liquid fire power. She was the first person Sam saw with powers (Besides himself).
